My Town

There are three houses that you can get for free which support fire, water and grass type Pokemon. The houses are May, Misty and Dawn. You can get the invitations for these houses through the raid center. Out of these three houses, Dawn's is probably the best house. At max hearts, these houses will give 72% in stats each giving a total of 216% in stats that you can get for free! The bonuses of these houses are written out instead of shown with screenshots because you can get them for free so you can see for yourself.

1. Fire House - May's Invitation

One of the free to play houses. The first bonus gives damage reduction to the fire type Pokemon in your team. The second bonus gives your fire type Pokemon a chance to burn the enemy which reduces any healing effects by 70% for one turn. The third bonus is giving dodge to your fire type Pokemon for each Pokemon burned on the enemy team.

2. Water House - Misty's Invitation

The second free to play house. The first bonus gives damage reduction to water type Pokemon. The second bonus gives water type Pokemon an addition attack and 25% damage if it misses. The third bonus gives damage reduction to water Pokemon if they miss the opponent's Pokemon.

3. Grass House - Dawn's Invitation

The last free to play house. The first bonus gives damage reduction to grass type Pokemon. The second bonus gives a heal for a certain percentage after a grass type Pokemon gets hit by an attack. The last bonus gives a chance for Pokemon that attacked your grass type Pokemon to get a debuff cutting which will increase 20% damage after being attacked.

There are five other houses that are pay to win but currently Elena's invitation is unavailable. It will take around 1k-1.2k coupons to get both houses inside the lucky egg. Note that this is not guaranteed.

1. Light House - Hilda's Invitation

One of these houses comes from Hilda's invitation which gives bonuses to light type Pokemon. The first bonus gives damage reduction for light type Pokemon. The second bonus gives light Pokemon dodge when they are stunned or confused. The third bonus gives light Pokemon a revive upon death. The light house gives 72% in stats when maxed out. 

2. Dark House - Silver's Invitation

Another pay to win house is Silver's invitation which gives bonuses to dark type Pokemon. The first bonus gives damage reduction for dark type Pokemon. The second bonus is giving grudge to the Pokemon that kills your dark type Pokemon. Grudge reduced the attack of a Pokemon by a certain percentage depending on the level of the grudge. The third bonus is giving additional percentage of attack reduction based on the number of dark Pokemon in your party. The dark house gives 72% in stats when maxed out.

3. Tourney House - Cynthia's Invitation

Another pay to win house is Cynthia's invitation which give bonuses for tourney. The first bonus is after your daily login it will automatically complete a certain amount of tourney battles. The second bonus allows you to challenge a player of your choice in tourney. The tourney house gives a total of 360% in stats when maxed out.

4. Guild Boss House - Bianca's Invitation

The last pay to win house helps with the guild boss. The first bonus lets you auto battle every guild boss after logging in. The second bonus increases your participation. When maxed out, you can count as 5 participants which will make it a lot easier to reach that 20 count. The guild boss house gives a total of 360% in stats when maxed out.

5. Elena's Invitation

Lacking information on Elena's invitation. Just know that it came out as a Christmas special and is currently unavailable.