What Are Coupons And How To Get Them?

What Are Coupons?

Coupons are a resource in Pokemon Mega. Coupons gives you access to obtain all sorts of items as well as make upgrades such as awakening.

How To Get Coupons?

1. Cross-server Boss

The first way to get coupons is through the Cross-server Boss. Cross-server boss is unlocked at level 55. This is PVE and one of the best ways you can get coupons being free to play. As you can see in the picture below, you can get 20 coupons from Cross-server Boss by hitting the boss 5 times. Cross-server boss happens once a week at 7pm on Wednesdays based on the server time. If you play in the EU servers, the game time follows London Time. If you play in US servers, the game time follows New York time.

2. Iron Fist Tourney

The second way to get coupons is through Iron Fist Tourney. Iron Fist Tourney will be unlocked starting at level 55. This is PVP but it's also one of the best ways you can get coupons daily.  It is open Monday-Sunday and starts at 7pm and ends at 8pm following server time. During that time frame you will be allowed to be inside for a total of 30 minutes to gain as many points as you can by killing other players.The picture below shows how to get to the Iron Fist Tourney page. The amount of coupons you can get range from 15 to 50 depending on the amount of points you reach. As you level up, you will be able to go into a higher level arena. The benefit of this is that you will be able to get more points per kill. In the master arena, you will be able to reach the 45k points if you partner up with someone and fight each other quickly. It's recommended to partner up and have both players use full healer teams to maximize the amount of points you can get because ties counts as wins for both players which means that both players will receive points after fighting each other.

3. Dojo Battle

The third way to get coupons is through Dojo Battle. This will be unlocked at level 80. Dojo Battle is PVP and competitive. Dojo Battle is open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays from 12pm to 9pm server time.You have to hold a spot similar to Gym Attack And Defense but the amount of spots is limited. You will need about 250M BP to beat the NPC holding the dojo spot. There's only twenty seven spots to earn points. It's not recommended to do dojo if you are not strong enough to hold a spot unless you're willing to grind out and refresh for empty spots or you have someone that can help you get a spot. The coupons you gain from Dojo Battle are cumulative so if you get 60k points you will get coupons for reaching the 5k, 10k, 20k, and 40k mark. This means that the minimum amount of coupons you can make from dojo is 20 with 250 being the maximum.

4. Top Up

This is the fourth way to get coupons and involves spending real money. The three ways mentioned before are the only free to play ways to get coupons.If you plan on topping up to get coupons, make sure you claim all the coupons from the event page for topping up. It's also recommended that you do one big top up in one day rather than small top ups over a number of days. An ideal amount to spend coupons on a day is around $80- $130.