
Guilds unlock at level 26. It is important to be in a guild as it will be able to provide you resources to become stronger. There are 14 buttons in the guild area which will all be explained below.

1. Donation

Donations will help the guild level up. Try to donate 300 diamonds and 5 legendary Pokemon everyday. The 300 diamonds are to get the maximum GH coins which will let you buy things in the shop. The 300 diamonds also get the maximum contribution for donating a currency which will help your guild level up faster. Donating 5 legendary Pokemon will maximize the amount of tech points you get.

2. Shop

Shop in the guild is mainly to buy resources to become stronger. It recommended to buy the maximum amount of 200 upgrade orbs and 100 mega stones each day which costs 900 GH coins. Take note you get exactly 900 GH coins for donating 300 diamonds! If you have extra coins, it is recommended to buy the feathers and the mount books to increase the level of your wings and mount. The rest of the items in the shop aren't really that important but feel free to purchase them if you want them.

3. Technology

Technology is one of the factors that make being in a guild advantageous over being solo. Technology has two types of tech, personal tech and guild tech. Personal tech won't be activated if you aren't in a guild. In addition to that, you won't be able to level them up if you're not in a guild. Donating the 5 legendary Pokemon in donation would get you 15k tech points. The guild tech is huge because it gives you a decent percentage boost. Max guild tech can give you 150% HP, 75% ATK and 75% DEF in stats.

4. Guild Boss

Guild boss unlocks when the guild is level 3. If possible get 20 people to hit the boss before killing it so every person that participated can get a treasure hunting scroll. With 5 bosses total, you can get 5 treasure hunting scrolls per day provided 20 people hit each boss. Take note, Bianca's house which can be unlocked by getting her invitation through the lucky egg has a skill that let's your hit count as more participants to a maximum of 5. This means that if 4 player in the guild have this and they login daily, your guild will be guaranteed 20 hits everyday.

5. Gym Attack and Defense

Gym Attack and Defense is open daily starting at 8am and ending at 11pm server time. It is important to participate in this because there are individual rewards where you can get around 100 riding medals and 2 treasure hunting scrolls everyday from this. There are also guild rewards which give a good amount of race refining stones and clefairy dolls to help upgrade your my town house levels. Take note if you are guild leader and it's the start of a new server or a server merges, you need to hold a gym leader spot to take the first gym bonus. The first gym bonus will give you 6666 mega evolution stoles and 10 halo potions.

6. Guild Instances

Guild instances are good for farming items for guild vault and leveling up the guild. It is recommended to make new accounts and donate diamonds to open back the chapters that are cleared. First kills on the bosses in guild instances can give many mega evolution stones and upgrade orbs. Secret bosses are guaranteed Pokemon gear. Items you can get from the boss are roses, mythical eggs and feather & mount chests.

7. Guild War

Guild war is open for registration every 1st, 11th and 21st of the month. Your guild will fight against other guilds and it will be auto simulated. You have to make a formation to fight against another guilds formation. There are three routes and the guild with the most members surviving are the winners. Take note that even if you have a super strong player they can only take out 10 players from the other guild. Guild war rewards would be sent to the guild vault. You have to place in the top 16 to even get any rewards. The rewards you can get are level 9 gem chests, rider medals and flying medals. 

8. Guild Missions

Guild missions are like daily quests. Do them everyday and you can get gold and items. The rewards in the guild missions can be multiplied if you upgrade your mission bonus guild tech. The most important quest to complete everyday is the donating 5 Pokemon because you will be given town option boxes which allow you to choose any type of brick you want to upgrade the my town house skills.

9. Group Mail

Group mail lets you send mail to all your guild members. Usually people won't read them so it is recommended to create a Discord or a Facebook group to keep in contact with your members.

10. Vault

Rewards from the gym attack and defense, guild war and the guild instances will be sent here. It is up to the guild leader to decide how to distribute the items from the vault.

11. Guild Chat

Guild chat is just a chat for your guild. Here you can talk to the members that are online and accept invited for MT silvers that are sent to the guild chat. It is still recommended to chat on another platform such as Discord because Pokemon Mega restricts the amount of characters you can type which can be really annoying.

12. Members

Members is where you can accept new members, see all your members, their battle power, their contribution and how long they have been offline. You can have 5 lieutenants which will be able to activate guild boss, accept applications for new members, assign elite members as well as kick elite members and below. Elite members can accept new members but can't kick anyone in the guild. Normal members don't have any power within the guild to do anything with members. Maximum amount of members in the game is currently 35. You will have to upgrade your guild to increase the capacity.

13. Other Guilds

Other guilds button lets you see other guilds and shows them in order of the level of the guild. It's better to have your guild in the top 3 because you will be able to get more applications for new members.

14. Top-up Benefits

If anyone tops up in your guild, there will be chests that you can open in this area. The chest will usually have pokeballs, diamonds and upgrade orbs.