Species Refinement

Use normal and advanced race value stones to upgrade a Pokemon's individual stats.

Normal Refining

Normal Refining uses the normal race value stones.
It will give you a change in stats, either positive (+) or negative (-).
The presented stats given after clicking normal refining, consumes 3 race value stones at +1 species lvl.

Retrain keeps the given stats and adds them to the pool of base stats.

Give Up prevents the given stats from entering the pool of base stats.

High Level Refining

This is the same as normal refining but instead consumes advanced race value stones. These stones prevent you from getting negative stats.

Auto Refining

This automates refining, auto accepting both good and bad stats presented.

The auto refine window gives you an option to tick the checkbox of which stat you want to keep when auto refining and whether you want to do normal or high level refining.


After reaching 100% on all three bars, you will reach a breakthrough point.

This determines a pokemon's species level. Max is +4.

As you can see, you will either need to use copies of your pokemon or Z Crystals (these cost 30 coupons per).
Each breakthrough level will be more expensive.